Annabella Adams

I have always loved drawing. At school, my exercise books were so full of horses you could hardly read the text! I lived my life daydreaming about galloping. The animals we know give us everything, don’t they? Hope, encouragement, stability. My first sculptures were made from the wax around baby bonbel cheeses when I was very young, but I actually began learning about sculpture through courses with Adam Roud at Nadia Waterfield Fine Art, and Dido Crosby at Casa Berti, near Lucca.

Sculpting is intensely intimate. Learning to ‘see’ an animal is extraordinary. The way the muscles move, the overlapping of skin over bone, the hang of the shoulders, the look in the eye. All the separate elements that come together to make a unique creature. I am constantly inspired by nature, and sculpting is an amazing way of exploring the bonds between animals, myself and the wider world. 

I live near Newbury in West Berkshire with my husband Hugh, children and a host of dogs and chickens. Do please get in touch if you would like to discuss a commission.

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